Our Products
Whatever size your business, you can accept credit, debit and purchasing cards using our well-established product range.
Virtual Terminal
Simply enter card details from any internet connection for real-time authorisation, ensuring funds are available.
Batch Payments
Process Credit, Debit & Purchasing Card Payments in bulk with simple file upload tools and easy to use reporting.
A secure, hosted payment page for eCommerce, Back-Office or Card Capture, supporting Credit, Debit & Purchasing Cards.
PayByLink (PBL)
Flexible and reliable payments, enabling you to send
payment links directly to your customers.
Integrated / ERP Payments
Real-time authorisation with full integration for ERP and Back-Office platforms and alternative payment processes, such as DTMF.
Card Machines
Providing payment services for your in-store/in-person ‘Chip and PIN’ payments.
Card Alias
Store card details against a Card Alias or Token for subsequent use across the ITS Gateway. All card details are stored in our PCI-DSS-accredited environment.
Buyer-Initiated Payments
Also referred to as ‘Push Payments’ or ‘Straight Through Processing (STP)’, this solution sees the payment process initiated by the Buyer’s system.